2024 Activities
Number of consultant hours
Internal activities
- Launched new web site including migration to cost-free web server
- Business card redesign
Client activities
- Conducted exit interview of a disgruntled employee in order to provide independent feedback
- Meetings with client CEO to review personal and organisational futures and determine plans
- Assisted with fund raising strategy
- Provided independent advice on project steering committee to replace key systems
- Informal "strategy on a napkin" coffee sessions with clients
- Assisted with organisational redesign
- Facilitated workshop to determine one-year and three-year strategic projects
- Participated in NFP's annual planning day
2023 Activities
Number of consultant hours
Internal activities
- LinkedIn presence enhanced and activity increased
- ATS documentation for clients updated (new flyer)
- NCOSS membership
- Logo updated
- Celebrated 10-year anniversary of ATS
Client activities
- Conducted exit interviews as an independent party to assist client with staff feedback
- Advised client setting up a new NFP
- Reviewed NPF's financial position and submitted financial sustainability report (follow-up analysis)
- Advised client on restructuring initiative; reviewed proposals
- Prepared analysis of used and unused NDIS funding for client use
- Submitted a report and presentation to senior staff and board risk sub-committee regarding incident management processes and system status and improvement options
- Advised client on plans and approach for system changes to address process issues - followed on from interviews and recommendations report by ATS in 2022
2022 Activities
Number of consultant hours
Client activities
- Reviewed the business case (DCF) and assisted with its improvement for client's major new initiative
- Contributed to client's major new initiative through participation on steering committee and working meetings
- Reviewed project plan for a major project and provided project planning mentoring
- Interviewed key staff and board members (x18) regarding process and system issues
- Reviewed business development, funding and marketing approaches with an NFP wishing to set up a local museum
2021 Activities
Number of consultant hours
Client activities
- Engagement agreement for the discovery phase to review processes and systems for client's incident management
- Reviewed client initiatives success criteria
- Reviewed with, and advised, client on organisational structure and governance issues
- Member of steering committee for replacement of care provider's CMIS system
- Facilitated workshop regarding replacement of the main care system or continuation of an existing consortium solution
2020 Activities
Number of consultant hours
Client activities
- Member of client IT Governance Committee which was responsible for project prioritisation, vendor contracts and major projects
- Member of steering committee for replacement of client's major client system (aged, community, disability, mental health, children and family services)
- Wrote draft and helped client implement internal financial management responsibilities policy
- Facilitated client IT strategy workshops
- Reviewed internal organisational and financial issues with CEO and submitted requested report with analysis and recommendations regarding financial sustainability
- Reviewed organisation's risk management policy
Number of consultant hours
2019: 198
2018: 331
2017: 661
2016: 1137
2015: 1405 (first year of recording)
2018: 331
2017: 661
2016: 1137
2015: 1405 (first year of recording)
Internal activities
- Set up ATS as a NFP company and registered charity
- Received grant from “AMP Tomorrow Maker”
Client activities
- Assisted NFPs with care system selection
- Assisted NFPs with technical strategy plans and investment decisions
- Alignment of IT and business strategic plans
- Membership of steering committee for replacement of client's major client system (aged, community, disability, mental health, children and family services)
- Assisted with disaster recovery and project rescue of a publicly visible system
- Assisted with core systems replacement - requirements, selection, project management, integration. Contributed on steering committeee during implementation.
- Provided project management advice to several NFPs - methodology, planning setup and tracking
- Member of IT Steering Committee at various NFPs